Our Affiliate Program
Earn cash promoting StuPrint.com!
Earning money with StuPrint.com is easy. Simply sign up to become an affiliate partner and we'll give you a unique promo code. This promo code can then be used by customers to get a small discount, while at the same time earning you a cut of our profit. Everyone wins!
Here's how it works:
- You sign up to become an affiliate and we give you a promo code.
- You tell your friends about StuPrint.com and give them your promo code.
- Your friends log in and place some orders using your code, pleased that they'll be receiving a discount.
- For every completed order that used your code, you get a cut of our profit.
- Once you accrued some money, simply request payment and we'll initiate a bank transfer directly to your account!
It's that easy!
Interested? Simply complete the form below and you're all set